52:16A-44 - New Jersey Railroad and Transportation Museum Commission, created
52:16A-44 New Jersey Railroad and Transportation Museum Commission, created
2. There is created, in but not of the Department of Transportation, a commission to be known as the New Jersey Railroad and Transportation Museum Commission, with a membership of 16. The commission shall consist of:
a. Two members of the Senate, to be appointed by the President thereof, who shall not be of the same political party, and two members of the General Assembly, to be appointed by the Speaker thereof, who shall not be of the same political party. A legislative member shall serve only as long as he or she is a member of the House which made the original appointment.
b. The Commissioner of Transportation, or his designee, the Commissioner of Commerce and Economic Development, or his designee, the Commissioner of Environmental Protection, or his designee, the Secretary of State, or his designee, the State Treasurer, or his designee, and the Executive Director of the New Jersey Transit Corporation or his designee.
c. Six public members, to be appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate, one of whom shall be chosen from the United Railroad Historical Society, one of whom shall be chosen from the Friends of the New Jersey Railroad and Transportation Museum, and the rest of whom shall be chosen from among persons who are affiliated with railroad or transportation historical preservation, exhibition or tourism organizations in New Jersey, or from among persons who have knowledge of, individual experience with, or demonstrated interest in, New Jersey railroad or transportation history, preservation, exhibition or tourism. If a public member is chosen from the United Railroad Historical Society, the Friends of the New Jersey Railroad and Transportation Museum, or a railroad or transportation historical preservation, exhibition or tourism organization, the public member shall have the power to appoint a designee from the membership of the organization. If one of these organizations goes out of existence, the position on the commission shall be considered vacant, and the position may be filled, for the unexpired term only, from among persons who are affiliated with other railroad or transportation historical preservation, exhibition or tourism organizations in New Jersey, or from among persons who have knowledge of, individual experience with, or demonstrated interest in, New Jersey railroad or transportation history, preservation, exhibition or tourism. The public members shall have terms of three years, and shall be eligible for reappointment to the commission; except that, of those first appointed, two of the public members shall have terms of three years, two shall have terms of two years and two shall have terms of one year, and all of the members first appointed shall be eligible for reappointment.
All appointments shall be made within 60 days of the effective date of this act. For purposes of continuity, and to the extent practicable and feasible, the first appointments to the commission shall include the legislative, ex officio, and public members of the New Jersey Railroad and Transportation Museum Study Commission last serving on that study commission; except that a member of the study commission shall have the right to decline appointment to the new commission. Vacancies in the membership of the commission shall be filled, for the unexpired term only, in the manner described in subsections a. through c. of this section, and within 60 days of the vacancy. Members of the commission shall serve without compensation for performing their duties as members, but the commission may, within the limits of funds appropriated or otherwise made available therefor, reimburse members for the actual expenses necessarily incurred in the performance of their duties.
L.1993,c.209,s.2; amended 1997, c.50, s.2; per s.13 of 1993, c.209, expired September 30, 2002.