52:27BB-98 - Repeal of acts; proviso
52:27BB-98. Repeal of acts; proviso
The following parts of acts, acts, and acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto are repealed:
Sections one to sixteen, inclusive, and sections eighteen to thirty-four, inclusive, of "An act creating a State Department of Local Government, prescribing its powers and duties, and transferring to it certain powers and duties vested in the State Auditor," approved May ninth, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight (P.L.1938, c. 158); "An act concerning fiscal administration in local governments of the State, and repealing sections 52:24-12 to 52:24-18, inclusive, and 52:24-20 to 52:24-27, inclusive, of the Revised Statutes," approved May ninth, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight (P.L.1938, c. 159); "An act concerning the supervision, by the State Department of Local Government, over certain municipalities in the State," approved May fifth, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight (P.L.1938, c. 127); "An act relating to the limitation of school debt and appropriations in school districts within municipalities subject to the provisions of an act entitled "An act concerning the supervision, by the State Department of Local Government, over certain municipalities in the State,' approved May fifth, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight; and supplementing sections 18:6-50, 18:6-51, 18:6-53, 18:6-61, 18:6-62, 18:7-78, 18:7-79, 18:7-82, 18:7-83, 18:7-85, 18:7-86 and 54:4-45 of the Revised Statutes," approved July eighteenth, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine (P.L.1939, c. 265); "An act to amend the title of an act entitled "An act concerning the supervision, by the State Department of Local Government, over certain municipalities in the State,' approved May fifth, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight, constituting chapter one hundred twenty-seven of the laws of one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight; and to amend and supplement said act," approved October twenty-fifth, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine (P.L.1939, c. 364); "A supplement to an act entitled "An act concerning the supervision, by the State Department of Local Government, over certain political subdivisions in the State,' approved May fifth, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight (P.L.1938, c. 127), as said title was amended by pamphlet laws of one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine, chapter three hundred sixty-four," approved April twenty-eighth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-one (P.L.1941, c. 75); and "An act to amend an act entitled "An act concerning the supervision by the State Department of Local Government, over certain political subdivisions in the State,' approved May fifth, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight (P.L.1938, c. 127), as heretofore amended and supplemented by chapter three hundred sixty-four of the laws of one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine," approved April thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-one (P.L.1941, c. 95); provided, however, that this section shall not be deemed to revive any act which was repealed by any of said enumerated acts.
L.1947, c. 151, p. 680, s. 98.