52:27D-461 - Definitions relative to "Revenue Allocation District Financing Act"
52:27D-461. Definitions relative to "Revenue Allocation District Financing Act"
13. As used in sections 11 through 41 of P.L.2001, c.310 (C.52:27D-459 et seq.):
"Area in need of redevelopment" means a redevelopment area as defined pursuant to section 3 of P.L.1992, c.79 (C.40A:12A-3).
"Board" means the Local Finance Board established in the Division of Local Government Services in the Department of Community Affairs.
"Bonds" means the bonds, notes and bond anticipation notes issued to finance projects pursuant to the "Revenue Allocation District Financing Act," sections 11 through 41 of P.L.2001, c.310 (C.52:27D-459 et seq.).
"District" means the area or areas within a municipality designated as a revenue allocation district pursuant to the provisions of the "Revenue Allocation District Financing Act," sections 11 through 41 of P.L.2001, c.310 (C.52:27D-459 et seq.).
"District agent" means that entity designated by the municipal governing body pursuant to section 14 of P.L.2001, c.310 (C.52:27D-462) to administer a revenue allocation plan on behalf of the municipality.
"Eligible revenue" means the property tax increment and any other incremental revenues set forth in section 21 of P.L.2001, c.310 (C.52:27D-469).
"Municipality" means the municipal governing body or an entity acting on behalf of the municipality if permitted by the federal Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or, if a redevelopment agency or redevelopment entity is established in a municipality pursuant to P.L.1992, c.79 (C.40A:12A-1 et seq.) and the municipality so provides, the redevelopment agency or entity so established.
"Permitted investment obligations" means any securities permitted for purchase by local units of government pursuant to section 8 of P.L.1977, c.396 (C.40A:5-15.1).
"Plan" means the final revenue allocation plan developed by a district agent pursuant to section 22 of P.L.2001, c.310 (C.52:27D-470) and containing, among other elements, the proposed projects, estimated cost of the projects, sources of revenue, and the terms of any obligations, undertakings or commitments to be incurred by the district agent.
"Pledged revenues" means those eligible revenues designated in the plan for payment of project costs.
"Project" means the purchasing, leasing, condemning or otherwise acquiring of land or other property, or an interest therein, in the district or as necessary or convenient for the acquisition of any right-of-way or other easement to or from the revenue allocation district; the moving and relocation of persons or businesses displaced by the acquisition of land or property; the acquisition, construction, reconstruction or rehabilitation of land or property and the improvements thereon, or the financing thereof, including demolition, clearance, removal, relocation, renovation, alteration, construction, reconstruction, alteration or repair of any land, building, street, highway, alley, utility, mass transit facility, service or other structure, infrastructure or improvement in the district or necessary to effectuate the plan for the district, including infrastructure improvements outside the district, but only those which are integral to the effectuation of the district plan; the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation of public facilities and improvements, or the financing thereof; acquisition, construction, reconstruction or rehabilitation of residential structures, or the conversion to residential use of structures previously designed or used for other purposes, or the financing thereof, nonprofit corporation or other suitable public or private person, firm, corporation or association, and which, to the extent economically feasible, shall constitute housing affordable to persons and families of low and moderate income pursuant to P.L.1985, c.222 (C.52:27D-301 et al.) or rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto; and all costs associated with any of the foregoing, including the cost of administrative appraisals, legal, financial, economic and environmental analyses, engineering or cleanup, planning, design, architectural, surveying or other professional and technical services necessary to effectuate the purposes of the "Revenue Allocation District Financing Act," sections 11 through 41 of P.L.2001, c.310 (C.52:27D-459 et seq.).
"Project cost" means the cost of the plan or project in all or any part of the district and of all and any property, rights, easements, privileges, agreements and franchises deemed by the district agent to be necessary or useful and convenient therefor or in connection therewith, including interest or discount on bonds; cost of issuance of bonds; engineering and inspection costs; legal expenses; costs of financial and other professional estimates and advice; organization, administrative, operating and other expenses of the district agent prior to and during the planning and implementation of a development, plan or project, including such provision as the district agent may determine for the payment, or security for payment, of principal of or interest on bonds during or after the implementation of any development, plan or project.
"Property tax increment" means the amount obtained by:
(1) multiplying the general tax rate levied each year by the taxable value of all the property assessed within a district in the same year, excluding any special assessments; and
(2) multiplying that product by a fraction having a numerator equal to the taxable value of all the property assessed within the district, minus the property tax increment base, and having a denominator equal to the taxable value of all property assessed within the district.
"Property tax increment base" means the aggregate taxable value of all property assessed which is located within a district as of October 1 of the year preceding the year in which the district is authorized pursuant to the "Revenue Allocation District Financing Act," sections 11 through 41 of P.L.2001, c.310 (C.52:27D-459 et seq.).
"Redevelopment plan" means a redevelopment plan as the term is defined pursuant to section 3 of P.L.1992, c.79 (C.40A:12A-3).
"Revenue increment base" means the amount of any eligible revenues, other than the property tax increment, collected in the calendar year immediately preceding the adoption of the plan.
"Taxing entity" means the county, the school district or districts, and the municipality authorized to levy a tax on the taxable property within a municipality.