52:27G-8 - Investigations
52:27G-8. Investigations
a. The office shall establish and implement procedures for conducting investigations.
b. Acting on complaint, the office may, notwithstanding any referral pursuant to section 7. b. of this act, investigate any act, practice, policy or procedure of any facility or government agency that does or may adversely affect the health, safety, welfare or civil or human rights of any patient, resident or client of a facility.
c. Acting on its own initiative, the office may investigate any act, practice, policy or procedure of any facility or government agency which it determines does or may adversely affect the health, safety, welfare or civil or human rights of any patient, resident or client in a facility.
d. In an investigation the office may:
(1) Make the necessary inquiries and obtain such information as it deems necessary;
(2) Hold private hearings or public hearings;
(3) Enter, without notice, and, after notifying the person in charge of its presence, inspect the premises of a facility or government agency and inspect there any books, files, medical records or other records that pertain to patients, residents or clients and are required by law to be maintained by the facility or government agency;
(4) Compel at a specific time and place, by subpena, the appearance and sworn testimony of any person who the office reasonably believes may be able to give information relating to a matter under investigation; or
(5) Compel any person to produce at a specific time and place, by subpena any documents, books, records, papers, objects, or other evidence which the office reasonably believes may relate to a matter under investigation.
e. The office need not investigate any complaint where it determines that:
(1) The complaint is trivial, frivolous, vexatious or not made in good faith;
(2) The complaint has been too long delayed to justify present investigation;
(3) The resources available, considering the established priorities, are insufficient for an adequate investigation; or
(4) The matter complained of is not within the investigatory authority of the office.
L.1977, c. 239, s. 8, eff. Sept. 29, 1977.