52:28-17 - Preamble
52:28-17. Preamble
Whereas, commissioners duly appointed on the part of the state of New York and commissioners duly appointed on the part of the state of New Jersey, for the purpose of locating and marking out by proper buoys the boundary line between the two states in lands under the water of Raritan bay, have executed certain articles, two copies for each state, which are contained in the following words:
An agreement, made the twelfth day of October, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, between Mayo W. Hazeltine, Robert Moore and Lieutenant G. C. Hanus, U. S. N., commissioners on the part of the state of New York, and George H. Cook, Robert C. Bacot and A. B. Stoney, commissioners on the part of the state of New Jersey;
Whereas, by chapter sixty-nine of the laws of the state of New York for the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, the governor was authorized to appoint three commissioners on the part of the state of New York, with full power to meet with the commissioners duly authorized on the part of the state of New Jersey, and with them locate and mark out by proper monuments and buoys the true boundary line between the two states in lands under water in Raritan bay; and
Whereas, the said Mayo W. Hazeltine, Robert Moore and Lieutenant G. C. Hanus, U. S. N., were duly appointed commissioners on the part of the state of New York, for the purposes mentioned in said act; and
Whereas, by an act of the legislature of the state of New Jersey, passed April twentieth, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six, entitled "A joint resolution authorizing the appointment of a commission to locate and mark out the boundary line between the state of New Jersey and the state of New York in Raritan bay," the governor of the state of New Jersey was authorized to appoint three commissioners, with power on the part of the state to meet any authorities duly authorized on the part of the state of New York, and with them locate by proper buoys the boundary line between the two states of lands under water in Raritan bay; and
Whereas, the said George H. Cook, Robert C. Bacot and A. B. Stoney were duly appointed commissioners for the purpose of said act; and
Whereas, the said commissioners, acting for and on behalf of their respective states, have entered upon the performance of the duties imposed upon them by said act, and have, in pursuance of the authority to them severally given as aforesaid, agreed and hereby do agree upon a boundary line between the two states in lands under water in Raritan bay, and locate the same, as follows:
L.1888, c. 55, Preamble, p. 85 (C.S. p. 5366, Preamble).