52:9M-15 - Disclosure of information, violation, penalties; privilege, certain; OPRA not applicable
52:9M-15 Disclosure of information, violation, penalties; privilege, certain; OPRA not applicable.
15. a. Any person conducting or participating in any examination or investigation who shall disclose or any person who, coming into possession of or knowledge of the substance of any examination or investigation, shall disclose, or any person who shall cause, encourage or induce a person, including any witness or informant, to disclose, other than as authorized or required by law, to any person other than the commission or an officer having the power to appoint one or more of the commissioners the name of any witness examined, or any information obtained or given upon such examination or investigation, except as directed by the Governor or commission, or any person other than a member or employee of the commission or any person entitled to assert a legal privilege who, coming into possession of or knowledge of the substance of any pending examination or investigation who fails to advise the Attorney General and the commission of such possession or knowledge and to deliver to the Attorney General and the commission any documents or materials containing such information, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor until September 1, 1979 when such person shall be guilty of a crime of the third degree. Any member or employee of the commission who shall violate this section shall be dismissed from his office or discharged from his employment.
b.Any statement made by a member of the commission or an employee thereof relevant to any proceedings before or investigative activities of the commission shall be absolutely privileged and such privilege shall be a complete defense to any action for libel or slander; provided, however, that nothing in this subsection shall be deemed to grant immunity for conduct that was outside the scope of his employment or constituted a crime, actual fraud, actual malice or willful misconduct.
c.Nothing contained in this section shall in any way prevent the commission from furnishing information or making reports, as required by this act, or from furnishing information to the Legislature, or to a standing reference committee thereof, pursuant to a resolution duly adopted by a standing reference committee or pursuant to a duly authorized subpena or subpena duces tecum, provided, however, that nothing herein shall be deemed to preclude the commission from seeking from a court of competent jurisdiction a protective order to avoid compliance with such subpena or duces tecum.
d.Nothing in P.L.1963, c.73 (C.47:1A-1 et seq.), as amended and supplemented by P.L.2001, c.404, shall be construed to require the commission to disclose any information acquired or any records created, except as provided by this section.
L.1968,c.266,s.15; amended 1969, c.67, s.3; 1979, c.254, s.14; 1996, c.44, s.5; 2005, c.58, s.3.