54:43-1 - Tax rates
54:43-1 Tax rates.
54:43-1. Tax rates. There are hereby levied and imposed upon any sale of alcoholic beverages made within this State or upon any delivery of alcoholic beverages made within or into this State the following excise taxes:
a.Beer--From July 1, 1990 through June 30, 1992, at the rate of $0.10 a gallon or fraction thereof and on or after July 1, 1992, at the rate of $0.12 a gallon or fraction thereof.
b.Liquors--From July 1, 1990 through June 30, 1992, at the rate of $4.20 a gallon, on or after July 1, 1992 through July 31, 2009, at the rate of $4.40 a gallon and on or after August 1, 2009, at the rate of $5.50 a gallon.
c.(Deleted by amendment, P.L.1972, c.53.)
d.(Deleted by amendment, P.L.1972, c.53.)
e.Wines, vermouth and sparkling wines--From July 1, 1990 through June 30, 1992, at the rate of $0.50 a gallon, on or after July 1, 1992 through July 31, 2009, at the rate of $0.70 a gallon; and on or after August 1, 2009, at the rate of $0.875 a gallon, provided however, that cider containing at least three and two-tenths per centum (3 2/10 %) of alcohol by volume but not more than 7 per centum (7%) of alcohol by volume shall be taxed at the rate of $0.15 a gallon.
Amended 1938, c.319, s.6; 1940, c.168; 1942, c.171, s.4; 1947, c.18, s.2; 1963, c.43; 1969, c.52, s.1; 1972, c.53; 1981, c.280, s.2; 1985, c.233, s.1; 1990, c.41, s.1; 1997, c.153, s.2; 2009, c.71, s.1.