55:19-16 - Annual report; strategy document
55:19-16. Annual report; strategy document
a. On or before the last day of March in each year, the board of directors of the corporation shall make an annual report of its activities for the preceding calendar year to the Governor and the Legislature. The report shall set forth a complete operating and financial statement covering its operations during the year. The board shall cause an audit of its books and accounts to be made at least once in each year by certified public accountants, and the cost thereof shall be considered an expense of the corporation, and a copy thereof shall be filed with the State Treasurer.
b. With its first annual report, and every second year thereafter, the board shall submit an Urban Development Strategy document, setting forth its assessment of the current needs for industrial, land-use improvement, civic, utility and multi-purpose projects in qualified municipalities of the State; its estimate of the resources available, under the provisions of this act, from public and private sources for the undertaking of such projects; and its anticipated participation in or assistance of such projects during the two years next succeeding the date of submission. The document shall set forth the goals and priorities governing the selection of the projects it anticipates participating in or assisting; and the board shall annually review and evaluate the projects actually undertaken in light of the goals and priorities established therefor by the Urban Development Strategy document. In selecting projects for its participation, and in evaluating those projects in which it has participated, the board shall devise and employ techniques for forecasting and measuring relevant indices of accomplishment of its goals of economic revitalization, including specifically: (1) the number of jobs created, or to be created, by, or as a result of, the project; (2) the cost, or estimated cost, to the State, involved in the creation of those jobs; (3) the amount of private capital investment in, or stimulated by, a project, in proportion to the public funds invested therein; and (4) in the case of an industrial project or a multi-purpose project which has, as one of its elements, a project classified as an industrial project, a determination, based upon written findings, that the project would not be undertaken but for the participation of the corporation.
c. In its first annual report, upon assessing and estimating needs, available resources and desirable projects, as provided in subsection b. of this section, the corporation shall determine and shall recommend: (1) whether or not it is expedient that the corporation should be granted, in addition to the revenues provided for by or pursuant to this act and any other grants or assets which the Legislature may from time to time provide, the power to issue bonds for the financing of its projects; and it shall make such recommendations as it deems proper with respect to the type of bonds, if any, and the manner and terms of their issuance; and (2) whether or not it is expedient that any exemptions from or abatements of taxation, including those provided for under section 12 of this act, be made available in connection with and in furtherance of projects undertaken pursuant to this act; and if so, in what form, to what extent and under what conditions and restrictions.
L. 1985, c. 227, s. 15, eff. July 8, 1985.