58:10A-28 - Leaks, discharges
58:10A-28. Leaks, discharges a. If the inventory records maintained pursuant to section 7 of this act or a monitoring system indicates a leak or discharge, the owner or operator of the facility shall, within 24 hours of discovery, notify the department and the appropriate local health agencies of the leak or discharge.
b. Upon notification, the department shall promptly conduct an inspection to determine the extent and impacts of the leak or discharge.
c. Upon a finding that the leak or discharge is not an imminent threat to the proximate groundwater resources or public health or safety, the commissioner shall order the owner of the underground storage tank to remove, replace, or repair the underground storage tank, establish a date by which the removal, replacement, or repair shall be effected, and take any other action, or require the owner of the tank to take any action, necessary to abate, contain, clean up, or remove, or any combination thereof, the leak or discharge.
d. Upon a finding that the leak or discharge has entered or threatens groundwater resources or public health or safety, the commissioner shall order the immediate removal of the contents of the underground storage tank, and shall take, or require the owner of the underground storage tank to take, all other appropriate actions necessary to abate, contain, clean up, or remove, or any combination thereof, the discharge.
e. If the commissioner provides for the removal, replacement or repair of an underground storage tank by any person other than the owner, or takes other appropriate actions necessary to mitigate the adverse effects of a leak or discharge, the costs of these measures shall be borne by the owner of the underground storage tank.
L.1986,c.102,s.8; amended 1991,c.1,s.2.