9:6-8.31 - Preliminary orders after filing of complaint
9:6-8.31 Preliminary orders after filing of complaint.
11.Preliminary orders after filing of complaint. a. In any case where the child has been removed without court order, except where action has been taken pursuant to P.L.1973, c.147 (C.9:6-8.16 et seq.) the Superior Court, Chancery Division, Family Part shall hold a hearing on the next court day, whereby the safety of the child shall be of paramount concern, to determine whether the child's interests require protection pending a final order of disposition. In any other case under this act, any person who may originate a proceeding may apply for, or the court, on its own motion, may order a hearing at any time after the complaint is filed to determine, with the safety of the child of paramount concern, whether the child's interests require protection pending a final order of disposition.
b.Upon such hearing, if the court finds that continued removal is necessary to avoid an ongoing risk to the child's life, safety or health, it shall affirm the removal of the child to an appropriate place or place him in the custody of a suitable person.
If the court determines that removal of the child by a physician, police officer, designated employee of the Probation Division or designated employee of the Division of Youth and Family Services was necessary due to imminent danger to the child's life, safety or health, the court shall find that the Division of Youth and Family Services was not required to provide reasonable efforts to prevent placement of the child in accordance with section 24 of P.L.1999, c.53 (C.30:4C-11.2).
c.Upon such hearing the court may, for good cause shown, issue a preliminary order of protection which may contain any of the provisions authorized on the making of an order of protection under section 35 of P.L.1974, c.119 (C.9:6-8.55).
d.Upon such hearing, the court may, for good cause shown, release the child to the custody of his parent or guardian from whose custody or care the child was removed, pending a final order of disposition, in accord with section 33 of P.L.1974, c.119 (C.9:6-8.53).
e.Upon such hearing, the court may authorize a physician or hospital to provide medical or surgical procedures if such procedures are necessary to safeguard the child's life or health.
f.If the court grants or denies a preliminary order requested pursuant to this section, it shall state the grounds for such decision.
g.In all cases involving abuse or neglect the court shall order an examination of the child by a physician appointed or designated for the purpose by the division. As part of such examination, the physician shall arrange to have color photographs taken as soon as practical of any areas of trauma visible on such child and may if indicated, arrange to have a radiological examination performed on the child. The physician, on the completion of such examination, shall forward the results thereof together with the color photographs to the court ordering such examination.
L.1974,c.119,s.11; amended 1977, c.209, s.10; 1991, c.91, s.204; 1999, c.53, s.10.