1-11-6. Voting machines; manner of preparing.
Thirty days prior to an election the county clerk shall:
A. certify to the secretary of state and all county party chairmen the type and serial number of each voting machine intended to be used in each precinct, by precinct number; and
B. prepare, in the presence of those persons entitled to be present, the lever voting machines and electronic voting machines for the election as follows:
(1) all public, candidate and question counters shall be set at zero;
(2) assisted by watchers, each such counter shall be tested for accuracy by casting votes upon it until it correctly registers each vote cast;
(3) each such counter shall be reset at zero and the voting machine shall be immediately sealed with a numbered metal seal so as to prevent operation of the machine or its registering counters without breaking the seal; and
(4) on the certificate for that voting machine there shall be recorded:
(a) the number on the seal; and
(b) the reading shown on the protective counter.