10-12B-8. Age and service credit requirements for normal retirement.
A. For an individual who initially became a member prior to July 1, 2005, the age and service credit requirements for retirement provided for in the Judicial Retirement Act are:
(1) age sixty-four or older and five or more years of service credit; or
(2) age sixty or older and fifteen or more years of service credit.
B. For an individual who initially became a member on or after July 1, 2005, the age and service credit requirements for retirement provided for in the Judicial Retirement Act are:
(1) age sixty-four or older and five or more years of service credit; or
(2) age fifty-five or older and sixteen or more years of service credit.
C. If a member leaves office for any reason, other than removal pursuant to Article 6, Section 32 of the constitution of New Mexico, before meeting the age and service credit requirements for retirement pursuant to the provisions of this section and if that member leaves his member contributions on deposit in the fund, that member may apply for retirement when that member meets the age and service credit requirements for retirement pursuant to the provisions of the Judicial Retirement Act or provisions of the Public Employees Retirement Reciprocity Act.
D. No member shall be eligible to receive a pension pursuant to the provisions of the Judicial Retirement Act while still in office.