10-7-7. [Old-age benefits under Social Security Act.]
That in the event the government of the United States through amendment of the Social Security Act of the United States and particularly Title 8 thereof or by any other similar law of congress which authorizes or permits the payment by states of [or] their political subdivisions to become employers to the extent that they may cover employees of the respective states and the political subdivisions thereof under Title 8 of the Social Security Act of the United States or any amendment thereto or any other similar act of congress whereby old-age benefits or pensions may be established for said employees; then, and in that event, the state of New Mexico, its departments, municipalities in said state and the political subdivisions of the said state may [be] and hereby are authorized and directed to comply with the provisions of the said act of congress to the extent that all members of state and municipal police forces, and all paid members and employees of municipal fire departments within this state may receive any and all benefits with respect to such old-age benefit or pension provision of said federal law, and the state, its municipalities, and political subdivisions are hereby authorized and directed to pay on account of such employees the rate of tax which said federal law may levy and assess for said purposes, and to withhold and make payments on account of the employee's contributions required by such act of congress pertaining to said employees herein mentioned.