10-7E-11. Local board; powers and duties.
A. The local board shall promulgate rules necessary to accomplish and perform its functions and duties as established in the Public Employee Bargaining Act [10-7E-1 NMSA 1978], including the establishment of procedures for:
(1) the designation of appropriate bargaining units;
(2) the selection, certification and decertification of exclusive representatives; and
(3) the filing of, hearing on and determination of complaints of prohibited practices.
B. The local board shall:
(1) hold hearings and make inquiries necessary to carry out its functions and duties;
(2) request information and data from public employers and labor organizations to carry out the local board's functions and responsibilities; and
(3) hire personnel or contract with third parties as the appropriate governing body deems necessary to assist the local board in carrying out its functions.
C. The local board may issue subpoenas requiring, upon reasonable notice, the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of evidence, including books, records, correspondence or documents relating to the matter in question. The local board may prescribe the form of subpoena, but it shall adhere insofar as practicable to the form used in civil actions in the district court. The local board may administer oaths and affirmations, examine witnesses and receive evidence.
D. The local board shall decide all issues by majority vote and shall issue its decisions in the form of written orders and opinions.
E. The local board has the power to enforce provisions of the Public Employee Bargaining Act or a local collective bargaining ordinance, resolution or charter amendment through the imposition of appropriate administrative remedies.