10-7E-26. Existing ordinances providing for public employee bargaining.
A. A public employer other than the state that prior to October 1, 1991 adopted by ordinance, resolution or charter amendment a system of provisions and procedures permitting employees to form, join or assist a labor organization for the purpose of bargaining collectively through exclusive representatives may continue to operate under those provisions and procedures. Any substantial change after January 1, 2003 to any ordinance, resolution or charter amendment shall subject the public employer to full compliance with the provisions of Subsection B of Section 26 [10-7E-26 NMSA 1978] of the Public Employee Bargaining Act.
B. A public employer other than the state that subsequent to October 1, 1991 adopts by ordinance, resolution or charter amendment a system of provisions and procedures permitting employees to form, join or assist a labor organization for the purpose of bargaining collectively through exclusive representatives freely chosen by its employees may operate under those provisions and procedures rather than those set forth in the Public Employee Bargaining Act [10-7E-1 NMSA 1978]; provided that the employer shall comply with the provisions of Sections 8 through 12 and Subsection D of Section 17 [10-7E-17 NMSA 1978] of that act and provided the following provisions and procedures are included in each ordinance, resolution or charter amendment:
(1) the right of public employees to form, join or assist employee organizations for the purpose of achieving collective bargaining;
(2) procedures for the identification of appropriate bargaining units, certification elections and decertification elections equivalent to those set forth in the Public Employee Bargaining Act;
(3) the right of a labor organization to be certified as an exclusive representative;
(4) the right of an exclusive representative to negotiate all wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment for public employees in the appropriate bargaining unit;
(5) the obligation to incorporate agreements reached by the public employer and the exclusive representative into a collective bargaining agreement;
(6) a requirement that grievance procedures culminating with binding arbitration be negotiated;
(7) a requirement that payroll deductions for the exclusive representative's membership dues be negotiated if requested by the exclusive representative;
(8) impasse resolution procedures equivalent to those set forth in Section 18 [10-7E-18 NMSA 1978] of the Public Employee Bargaining Act; and
(9) prohibited practices for the public employer, public employees and labor organizations that promote the principles established in Sections 19 through 21 [10-7E-19 to 10-7E-21 NMSA 1978] of the Public Employee Bargaining Act.