12-1-14. Proceeds from sale of debentures.
The proceeds of the sale of said debentures shall be placed to the credit of the New Mexico compilation fund, except such amount as may have been paid as accrued interest, which amount shall be credited to a special interest fund for payment of interest on such debentures. The expenses incurred by the state treasurer in the preparation and sale of said debentures shall be paid out of said compilation fund. The proceeds from said debentures shall be used exclusively for the purposes for which said indebtedness is authorized and shall be paid out on warrants drawn by the secretary of finance and administration supported by vouchers of the New Mexico compilation commission. The state treasurer shall keep separate accounts for all moneys collected from the taxes or fees hereby imposed for the payment of the interest and to provide a sinking fund for said debentures respectively, and may from time to time invest the moneys in said sinking fund in any bonds or other securities issued by the United States of America or the state of New Mexico at their market value, provided, such bonds or other securities will mature before the maturity date of the debentures for which the sinking fund is created.