12-1-3. Powers of commission.
The New Mexico compilation commission, acting on the advice and approval of an advisory committee appointed by the New Mexico supreme court, may:
A. provide for official, annotated compilations of the New Mexico statutes, including court rules governing practice and procedure in the state courts, provide for supplements to the compilations and do all other necessary things pertaining to the publication of any compilation and related publications;
B. provide for the sale of any compilation and the supplements thereto;
C. provide for exchange of compilations and supplements with exchange libraries of other states and territories;
D. contract with the publisher of any compilation as may be necessary or desirable to carry out the provisions of this section;
E. do all things necessary to keep current one or more computer databases of publications published by the compilation commission and parallel tables prepared by the commission for computerized search and manipulation; and
F. hire an executive director. The executive director shall:
(1) serve as the chief administrative officer of the commission;
(2) serve at the pleasure of the commission;
(3) carry out the policies established by the commission; and
(4) within available funding, hire such additional staff as necessary to effectuate the powers exercised by the commission.