12-12-11. Purpose and findings.
The legislature hereby determines that:
A. shortages of petroleum products caused by discontinuance or significant reductions of normal and customary availability in New Mexico of petroleum supplies create severe economic dislocations and hardships, including loss of jobs, closing of factories and businesses, reduction of crop plantings and harvesting, and curtailment of vital public services, including the transportation of food and other essential goods;
B. such hardships and dislocations are a threat to the public health, safety and welfare and can be averted or minimized through the operation of the Emergency Petroleum Products Supply Act [12-12-10 NMSA 1978];
C. the purpose of the Emergency Petroleum Products Supply Act is to avert or minimize such threats to the public health, safety and welfare; and
D. the preservation of existing marketing and distribution facilities of petroleum products in the state is necessary to prevent chaos and promote the public health, safety and welfare.