12-13B-4. Powers and duties.
A. The commission shall provide a forum for discussion and resolution of issues of mutual concern to the governments of New Mexico and Sonora.
B. The commission may:
(1) identify projects that can be cooperatively pursued by New Mexico and Sonora;
(2) create avenues of communication between New Mexico and Sonora concerning cultural, artistic, public safety, economic and industrial affairs;
(3) confer with New Mexican and Sonoran cultural, artistic, public safety, economic and industrial leaders to determine the best methods and procedures to carry out the provisions of the New Mexico-Sonora Commission Act;
(4) promote legislation to further the goals of the commission; and
(5) communicate with state or provincial international commissions in other states or nations in order to obtain information about successful international intergovernmental cooperative activities or models.
C. The governor of New Mexico may negotiate with appropriate officials from Sonora to create cooperative projects to be implemented by New Mexico and Sonora or to resolve issues of mutual concern to New Mexico and Sonora. The governor may implement the agreements reached through those negotiations or projects developed, provided that an agreement that has a fiscal impact on New Mexico and requires an appropriation shall require an act of the legislature.