12-2A-7. Computation of time.
In computing a period of time prescribed or allowed by a statute or rule, the following rules apply:
A. if the period is expressed in days, the first day of the period is excluded and the last day is included;
B. if the period is expressed in weeks, the period ends on the day that is the same day of the concluding week as the day of the week on which an event determinative of the computation occurred;
C. if the period is expressed in months, the period ends on the day of the concluding month that is numbered the same as the day of the month on which an event determinative of the computation occurred, unless the concluding month has no such day, in which case the period ends on the last day of the concluding month;
D. if the period is expressed in years, the period ends on the day of the concluding month of the concluding year that is numbered the same as the day of the month of the year on which an event determinative of the computation occurred, unless the concluding month has no such day, in which case the period ends on the last day of the concluding month of the concluding year;
E. if the period is less than eleven days, a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday is excluded from the computation;
F. if the last day of the period is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, the period ends on the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday;
G. a day begins immediately after midnight and ends at the next midnight;
H. if the period is determinable by the occurrence of a future event, the first day of the period is ascertained by applying the rules of Subsections A through G of this section backward from the last day of the period as if the event had occurred; and
I. in computing the time that a legislative session shall end, the word "day" means a twenty-four-hour period from 12:00 noon on one calendar day to 12:00 noon on the next calendar day.