12-5-1. [Arbor Day; establishment; observance.]
The second Friday in March of each year shall be set apart and known as Arbor Day, to be observed by the people of this state in the planting of forest trees for the benefit and adornment of public and private grounds, places and ways, and in such other efforts and undertakings as shall be in harmony with the general character of the day so established; provided, that the actual planting of trees may be done on the day designated or at such other most convenient times as may best conform to local climatic conditions, such other time to be designated and due notice thereof given by the several county superintendents of schools for their respective counties.
The day as above designated shall be a holiday in all public schools of the state, and school officers and teachers are required to have the schools, under their respective charge, observe the day by planting of trees or other appropriate exercises.
Annually, at the proper season, the governor shall issue a proclamation, calling the attention of the people to the provisions of this section and recommending and enjoining its due observance. The respective county superintendents of schools shall also promote by all proper means the observance of the day, and the said county superintendents of schools shall make annual reports to the governor of the state of the action taken in this behalf in their respective counties.