12-6-10. Annual inventory.
A. The governing authority of each agency shall, at the end of each fiscal year, conduct a physical inventory of movable chattels and equipment costing more than five thousand dollars ($5,000) and under the control of the governing authority. This inventory shall include all movable chattels and equipment procured through the capital program fund under Section 15-3B-16 NMSA 1978, which are assigned to the agency designated by the director of the property control division of the general services department as the user agency. The inventory shall list the chattels and equipment and the date and cost of acquisition. No agency shall be required to list any item costing five thousand dollars ($5,000) or less. Upon completion, the inventory shall be certified by the governing authority as to correctness. Each agency shall maintain one copy in its files. At the time of the annual audit, the state auditor shall satisfy himself as to the correctness of the inventory by generally accepted auditing procedures.
B. The official or governing authority of each agency is chargeable on his official bond for the chattels and equipment shown in the inventory.
C. The general services department shall establish standards, including a uniform classification system of inventory items, and promulgate rules concerning the system of inventory accounting for chattels and equipment required to be inventoried, and the governing authority of each agency shall install the system. A museum collection list or catalogue record and a library accession record or shelf list shall constitute the inventories of museum collections and library collections maintained by state agencies and local public bodies.
D. No surety upon the official bond of any officer or employee of any agency shall be released from liability until a complete accounting has been had. All official bonds shall provide coverage of, or be written in a manner to include, inventories.