13-4A-4. Allocation of construction costs.
A. All agencies shall allocate as a nondeductible item an amount of money equal to one percent or two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000), whichever is less, of the amount of money appropriated for new construction or any major renovation exceeding one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), to be expended for the acquisition and installation of works of art for the new building to be constructed or the building in which the major renovation is to occur.
B. An amount of money equal to one percent or two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000), whichever is less, allocated from appropriations for new construction or major renovations of excluded structures pursuant to Subsection E of Section 3 [13-4A-3 NMSA 1978] of the Art in Public Places Act shall be accounted for separately and expended for acquisition and installation of art for existing public buildings. The division shall determine the amount, not to exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), to be made available for the purchase of art in existing buildings in consultation with the contracting agency. The selection process for art for existing buildings shall follow guidelines established by the division pursuant to the Art in Public Places Act [13-4A-1 NMSA 1978].