13-5-3. Public property; local public bodies; insurance; reserves for losses.
A. Local public bodies shall purchase insurance for public buildings under their control against loss or damage by fire, windstorm, hail, smoke, explosion, riot or civil commotion in an amount not less than eighty percent of the replacement cost or actual cash value of the building.
B. Local public bodies may purchase insurance, establish reserves or provide a combination of insurance and reserves to:
(1) repair or replace their buildings if damaged by any peril other than a peril set forth in Subsection A of this section;
(2) repair or replace any personal property which is destroyed or damaged by any peril; or
(3) replace any personal property which is stolen.
C. Any insurance purchased pursuant to Subsections A and B of this section may be purchased with such deductible provisions as may be deemed desirable.
D. For purposes of this section, "local public body" means all political subdivisions of the state and their agencies, instrumentalities and institutions.