14-12A-16. Fees.
A. For performing a notarial act, a notary public may charge the maximum fee specified in this section, charge less than the maximum fee or waive the fee.
B. A notary public shall not discriminate by conditioning the fee for a notarial act on the attributes of the principal.
C. An employer shall not establish fees for notarial services that are in excess of those specified in this section nor on the attributes of the principal as delineated.
D. The maximum fees that may be charged by a notary public for notarial acts are:
(1) for acknowledgments, five dollars ($5.00) per acknowledgment;
(2) for oaths or affirmations without a signature, five dollars ($5.00) per person;
(3) for jurats, five dollars ($5.00) per jurat; and
(4) for copy certifications, fifty cents ($.50) per page with a minimum total charge of five dollars ($5.00).
E. A notary public may charge a travel fee not to exceed thirty cents ($.30) per mile when traveling to perform a notarial act if:
(1) the notary public and the person requesting the notarial act agree upon the travel fee in advance of the travel; and
(2) the notary public explains to the person requesting the notarial act that the travel fee is separate from the notarial fees and not mandated by law.