15-10-2. Capitol buildings planning commission; review of lease-purchase agreements.
A. Before submitting a proposed lease-purchase agreement to the legislature for ratification and approval pursuant to Section 15-3-35 NMSA 1978, the proposed lessee shall notify the commission. The commission shall review a proposed lease-purchase agreement if:
(1) the total lease revenues to be generated during the term of the lease-purchase agreement, including any possible extensions or renewals, exceed five million dollars ($5,000,000); or
(2) pursuant to criteria adopted by the commission, the commission selects the lease-purchase agreement for review.
B. A review conducted pursuant to this section shall include findings by the commission as to whether:
(1) the leasehold property and the term of the lease-purchase agreement are sufficient to meet the identified needs of the state agency that will occupy the leasehold property;
(2) the payment of all lease revenues due pursuant to a lease-purchase agreement will be sufficient, at the end of the term of the lease-purchase agreement, to acquire ownership of the leasehold property;
(3) the lease-purchase agreement provides that there is no legal obligation for the state or state agency to continue the lease-purchase agreement from year to year or to purchase the leasehold property, and that the lease-purchase agreement shall be terminated if sufficient appropriations are not available to meet the current lease payments; and
(4) the lease-purchase agreement is the most cost-effective alternative for acquiring the leasehold property, taking into account currently available alternative lease arrangements, lease-purchase agreements or other financing arrangements permitted by law.
C. After a review pursuant to this section, the commission shall submit its findings and recommendations to the legislature.
D. As used in this section:
(1) "commission" means the capitol buildings planning commission;
(2) "facilities" means buildings and the appurtenances and improvements associated therewith, including the real estate upon which a building is constructed; suitable parking for use of the building; utilities, access roads and other infrastructure; and related real estate. "Facilities" can also mean undeveloped or developed real estate that is transferred or leased with the intent that a new building or improvement be constructed thereon;
(3) "lease-purchase agreement" means a financing agreement for the leasing of facilities by the state or a state agency from a public or private entity with an option to purchase the leasehold property for a price that is reduced according to the payments made pursuant to the financing agreement;
(4) "leasehold property" means facilities that are subject to a lease-purchase agreement;
(5) "lease revenues" means the amounts payable pursuant to a lease-purchase agreement; and
(6) "state agency" means any department, branch, institution, board, officer, bureau, instrumentality, commission, district or committee of government of the state of New Mexico except:
(a) the state armory board;
(b) the commissioner of public lands;
(c) state institutions under the jurisdiction of the higher education department;
(d) the economic development department when the department is acquiring property pursuant to the Statewide Economic Development Finance Act [6-25-1 NMSA 1978];
(e) the public school facilities authority when the authority is acquiring property pursuant to the Public School Capital Outlay Act [22-24-1 NMSA 1978]; and
(f) a state-chartered charter school.