18-7-3. Commission; powers; duties.
The museum of space history commission shall construct, maintain and operate the museum of space history for the benefit of the people of New Mexico, the nation and the world as an educational project interpreting man's conquest of space. The director of the division, under the supervision of the commission, shall:
A. collect and preserve objects relating to the history of rocketry, space flight, astronomy and related fields;
B. conduct research programs necessary to document the historical, scientific and technological advances of rocketry, space flight, astronomy and related fields;
C. disseminate the results of division research efforts through exhibits, public programs, publications and other methods deemed appropriate by the commission;
D. establish educational programs relating to space;
E. purchase supplies and necessary equipment and tools;
F. accept for the museum any federal matching funds or grants available for this project and related programs;
G. accept donations and bequests from individuals and entities for the museum and related programs;
H. acquire real and personal property in the name of the state for the museum;
I. employ and discharge personnel necessary for the operation of the museum;
J. prepare budgets for operation and capital improvements;
K. assume other duties and responsibilities as deemed necessary by the commission;
L. assume responsibility for new and related facilities as required; and
M. subject to the provisions of Section 18-7-3.1 NMSA 1978, impose admission fees to the museum facilities and programs.