2-11-8.1. Restrictions on campaign activities and contributions.
A. No lobbyist may serve as a campaign chairman, treasurer or fundraising chairman for a candidate for the legislature or a statewide office.
B. It is unlawful during the prohibited period for any lobbyist or lobbyist's employer to contribute to or act as an agent or intermediary for political contributions to or arrange for the making of political contributions to the campaign funds of any statewide elected official or legislator or any candidate for those offices.
C. For purposes of this section, "prohibited period" is that period beginning January 1 prior to any regular session of the legislature or, in the case of a special session, after the proclamation has been issued, and ending on:
(1) the day the session ends for:
(a) any statewide elected official or candidate for statewide office except the governor; and
(b) a legislator or any candidate for the legislature; and
(2) the twentieth day following the adjournment of the regular or special session for the governor or candidate for governor.