2-15-3. Powers and duties.
A. After its appointment, the governmental ethics oversight committee shall hold one organizational meeting to develop a workplan and budget for the ensuing interim. The workplan and budget shall be submitted to the New Mexico legislative council for approval. Upon approval of the workplan and budget by the New Mexico legislative council, the committee shall:
(1) examine the statutes, constitutional provisions and regulations governing governmental ethics in New Mexico;
(2) monitor and oversee the implementation of the legislative directives pertaining to financial disclosure, campaign reporting, lobbyist regulation and governmental conduct and financial disclosure laws;
(3) review issues related to statewide and legislative campaign expenditure and contribution limitations, public financing of political campaigns, nepotism, legislative expense reimbursement and extension of campaign reporting requirements to various political subdivisions of the state; and
(4) make recommendations relating to the adoption of rules and legislation, if any are found to be necessary.
B. The committee shall regularly receive testimony from the secretary of state and the attorney general relating to the implementation of the legislative directives and shall review any proposed rules, regulations or reporting forms prior to adoption.