2-3-11. [Director of service; qualifications; tenure; compensation.]
The legislative council service shall be in charge of a director appointed by the legislative council. He shall be appointed by it without reference to party affiliation, and solely on ground of fitness to perform the duties of his office. He shall be well versed in political science and in the methods of legal research and bill drafting, and, preferably, shall have legal training and shall have practical bill drafting experience. He shall hold office from the date of his appointment until such time as he be removed by majority vote of the legislative council so appointing him or of any succeeding legislative council, but in the event of any such removal, he shall be given six (6) months' notice of the termination of his appointment or shall be paid six (6) months' salary as terminal pay. He shall be paid such salary as shall be fixed by the legislative council and any necessary traveling expenses payable as salary and expenses as other state officials are paid.