2-4-1. Commission for the promotion of uniformity of legislation in the United States.
A. There is created a "commission for the promotion of uniformity of legislation in the United States", also known as the "uniform law commission". Its membership shall consist of:
(1) four members of the legislature, who are members of the state bar of New Mexico and who shall be appointed by the New Mexico legislative council, consisting of one member from each of the two major parties in the New Mexico senate and in the New Mexico house of representatives;
(2) any member of the New Mexico bar who has represented New Mexico as a member of the uniform law commission for twenty or more years and who has been elected as a life member of the uniform law commission;
(3) four members of the New Mexico bar, who shall be appointed by the New Mexico legislative council;
(4) two members of the New Mexico bar, who shall be appointed by the governor;
(5) the dean of the university of New Mexico law school or the dean's designee; and
(6) the director of the legislative council service, who shall serve ex officio.
B. The members shall be known as "uniform law commissioners" whose purpose is to promote uniformity of legislation in the United States.