20-4-1. Standards for appointment, promotion, termination.
A. The standards for commissioning, warranting, enlisting; for promotion and demotion in grade or rank; and for assignment, transfer, discharge and retirement of members of the national guard shall be established by regulations promulgated by the adjutant general. Such regulations shall substantially conform these requirements to the laws and regulations of the United States relating to the national guard of the United States.
B. The regulations concerning discharge shall include a provision that a commissioned or warrant officer can be discharged only:
(1) upon removal of federal recognition by the national guard bureau;
(2) upon transfer by request of the officer to another military reserve component of the United States;
(3) upon resignation duly accepted by the governor;
(4) for absence without leave for more than ninety days;
(5) upon recommendation of a federal recognition board or other state efficiency board approved by the governor; or
(6) after a court-martial imposing a sentence of dismissal, if the sentence of dismissal is approved by the governor.
C. Discharge certificates shall reflect the character of the member's service. They shall conform as closely as practicable to discharge certificates of the United States military forces.