20-5-16. State defense force; workers' compensation.
A. When a member of the state defense force is on state-ordered militia duty, he is a worker under the Workers' Compensation Act [52-1-1 NMSA 1978] and the department of military affairs is his employer.
B. The average weekly wage of a member of the state defense force shall be computed at the pay earned in his civilian capacity. Disability benefits to a member of the state defense force shall be limited to medical benefits and two-thirds of his civilian pay if he is unable to work.
C. A member of the state defense force shall not be considered a worker under the Workers' Compensation Act when performing cadre duty.
D. As used in this section:
(1) "cadre duty" means the normal service and training of the standing cadre of the state defense force in anticipation and support of militia duty, including organization, administration and other pre-call matters; and
(2) "militia duty" means the performance of actual military service for the state in time of need when called by the governor or adjutant general following mobilization of the national guard. If performed by the unorganized militia following its call by the governor pursuant to Section 20-2-6 NMSA 1978, it shall include the post-call training of the New Mexico state defense force as required by that call.