20-8-4. Local armory boards; members.
There are created local armory boards for each local armory. The management and control of each local armory shall be the responsibility of its local armory board subject to the guidance, direction and supervision of the state armory board. The senior commander of the national guard units occupying the armory, as chairman; one enlisted member serving in the armory as secretary-treasurer; and one resident of the locality who is not a member of the national guard, shall constitute the board for that locality. Discretionary appointments to each board shall be made by the adjutant general and shall be for a term of two years. Members shall serve without compensation but shall be paid per diem and mileage as provided in the Per Diem and Mileage Act [10-8-1 through 10-8-8 NMSA 1978]. Each local armory board shall:
A. manage and control its local armory subject to the guidance, supervision and direction of the state armory board and such regulations as the state armory board may promulgate;
B. maintain a local checking account;
C. administer and contract for armory rentals as it deems appropriate within regulations promulgated by the state armory board;
D. administer and account to the state armory board for all revenues therefrom;
E. transmit all revenues, less actual and reasonable expenses of the board and operations costs of its armory rentals, to the state armory board fund quarterly or more frequently;
F. report to the adjutant general annually, in September, on the physical condition of its local armory including recommendations for improvements, repair and maintenance; and
G. participate in the semi-annual meeting of the armory board council.