21-12-8. Officers to be governor's aides; rank; uniforms.
For the better government and enforcement of discipline in the New Mexico military institute, the superintendent, commandant of cadets, instructors and others designated by the board of regents as officers in the New Mexico military institute, shall be commissioned as aides-de-camp on the staff of the governor of the state of New Mexico, with such military rank as the board of regents shall prescribe or designate, in addition to the number of aides-de-camp otherwise provided by law; the superintendent, commandant of cadets, instructors and others designated by the board of regents of the New Mexico military institute as officers in the New Mexico military institute shall have such rank as may be prescribed by the board of regents and shall hold office and rank, as such during the time they are employed in such capacity in said New Mexico military institute, and they will be allowed to wear the uniform of their rank while on duty as officers in the New Mexico military institute and upon all public occasions when the national guard is under arms or the staff of the governor and commander-in-chief shall be ordered out.