21-1B-2. Definitions.
As used in the Post-Secondary Education Articulation Act [21-1B-1 NMSA 1978]:
A. "articulation" means the transfer of course credit from one institution to another;
B. "commission" means the commission on higher education;
C. "discipline module" means lower-division courses, including the general education core, that meet the lower-division college-level requirements for a specific degree;
D. "general education core" means the grouping of lower division general education courses of at least thirty-five hours that are established by the commission for transfer and that are accepted by all institutions for transfer purposes;
E. "institution" means an accredited, public post-secondary educational institution operating in the state; and
F. "module" or "transfer module" means a standardized list of courses established by the commission for which credit is accepted for transfer from one institution to another.