21-1B-6. Reporting.
A. Prior to December 31 of each year, the commission shall report to the legislative finance committee, the legislative education study committee and the governor regarding the status of articulation programs and the transfer of students between institutions.
B. The report developed by the commission shall include an analysis of the number of students transferring between campuses, the number of credits being requested and accepted for transfer, institutions denying transfer of credits and reasons for denial, the progress of transfer students at receiving institutions, the average number of credit hours earned by graduating transfer students compared to the average number of credit hours earned by graduates who originated at the institution and a summary of student complaints regarding articulation. The report shall include data and other information obtained on both a statewide and individual institution basis.
C. The report shall look at outcomes with regard to such factors as transfer rates, persistence rates after transfer and graduation rates.
D. The report shall identify each institution against which a meritorious complaint has been filed. The report shall summarize the recommendations of the commission with regard to those complaints.
E. All institutions shall provide articulation information required by the commission for the development of the annual report prior to September 30 of each year.
F. The general education core, the discipline module for business and early childhood education and the common course numbering and naming system for all courses in those modules shall be effective by spring semester 2006, and the printed materials of all institutions shall conform to the system by fall 2006. A minimum of three additional discipline modules shall be effective not later than fall semester 2007 and an additional three discipline modules by fall semester 2008.