21-21-16. Definitions.
As used in the Student Loan Guarantee Act [21-21-14 NMSA 1978]:
A. "board" ["commission"] means the board of educational finance [commission on higher education];
B. "eligible student" means a resident of New Mexico who has been accepted for enrollment or who is enrolled in a participating institution and who is otherwise eligible for a student loan guaranteed under the Student Loan Guarantee Act. A standard of academic performance higher than the minimum required for continuing enrollment in the participating institution shall not be required, and [but] the student must be meeting the minimum academic requirements of the participating institution at the time any loan is made;
C. "fiscal agent" means the chief financial officer of one of the state higher educational institutions designated by the board;
D. "loans" means loans made by the fiscal agent to residents of this state under Title IV, Part B, of the federal Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended;
E. "participating institution" means any post-high school educational institution within or without the state, public or private including junior colleges and vocational schools, which qualifies as an eligible institution for the federal guaranteed-loan program under the federal Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, and which is approved by the board for the purposes of the Student Loan Guarantee Act; and
F. "resident" means a person who has established legal residency in New Mexico as defined by the board.