21-21H-5. Conditions for first year eligibility.
A scholarship may be awarded to a New Mexico high school graduate who:
A. is a resident of New Mexico as determined by the definition of residency for tuition purposes as established by the commission;
B. will graduate or has graduated from a New Mexico high school and who enrolls in an eligible institution by the end of his twenty-first birthday;
C. has met the admission requirements and is accepted for enrollment as a full-time undergraduate student at an eligible institution;
D. has maintained a level of performance in high school reflected by an overall score of at least twenty-five on the American college test or SAT equivalent or a high school class rank in the top five percent of the student's high school graduating class in either the student's junior or senior year;
E. has a total combined family income of no more than thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) per year in either of the calendar years ending within the student's junior or senior years in high school or in the case of a student whose immediate family has more than one family member enrolled full-time in an eligible institution of post-secondary education, a total combined family income of no more than an amount as determined by the commission to be equivalent to a thirty-thousand dollar ($30,000) total combined family income;
F. has complied with all the rules and regulations adopted by the commission for award of the scholarship and the provisions regarding the administration of scholarships adopted pursuant to the New Mexico Scholars Act [21-21H-1 NMSA 1978]; and
G. is a citizen of the United States or has a permanent resident visa.