21-21J-4. Conditions for eligibility.
A legislative endowment scholarship may be awarded to any individual who:
A. has complied with all the rules, regulations and policies adopted by the commission pursuant to the Legislative Endowment Scholarship Act [21-21J-1 NMSA 1978];
B. is a resident of New Mexico for the purpose of tuition payment;
C. is a citizen of the United States or has a permanent resident visa;
D. maintains a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 on a scale of 4.0 in the immediately preceding semester;
E. has not earned a baccalaureate degree and is enrolled or will be enrolled, at the time the scholarship is awarded, at least half-time in a public post-secondary educational institution in New Mexico; and
F. has demonstrated financial need in accordance with rules, regulations and policies adopted by the commission pursuant to the Legislative Endowment Scholarship Act.