21-23A-5. Reports.
A. Each public post-secondary educational institution shall submit an annual American Indian post-secondary education status report to the division. The department may enter into agreements with tribal colleges to provide the same annual status reports. The status reports shall be submitted in a form prescribed by the division and shall include the following information through which American Indian post-secondary educational performance is measured and aligned with the higher education strategic priorities:
(1) student recruitment;
(2) student retention;
(3) student attrition;
(4) remediation needs, by course type;
(5) graduation rate and types and fields of degrees;
(6) student financial aid data, including student demographic data; and
(7) annual goals and objectives of American Indian education programs, including graduate-level participation by American Indians.
B. The division shall compile the data collected pursuant to Subsection A of this section and publish an annual state American Indian post-secondary education status report.