21-26-2. Legislative findings and purpose.
A. The legislature finds that:
(1) there is a need for more licensed osteopathic physicians in New Mexico to serve the medical needs of the citizens of the state;
(2) most physicians continue to practice in the geographic area where they receive their training; and
(3) in order to have licensed osteopathic physicians practice in New Mexico, there needs to be an internship program for interns who graduate as physicians from osteopathic medical schools and who must complete a one-year postdoctoral training program in order to apply for licensure in this state.
B. The purpose of the Osteopathic Intern Act [21-26-1 NMSA 1978] is to develop an intern training program for osteopathic interns and to provide training funds to hospitals that offer students in New Mexico a quality postdoctoral training program in family practice as part of the requirements for licensure as osteopathic physicians in New Mexico.