21-30-2. Definitions.
As used in the University Athletic Facility Funding Act:
A. "athletic facility revenues" means rentals, receipts, fees or other charges imposed by and paid to a university for the rights to use, operate or manage a university athletic facility by any person;
B. "athletic facility surcharge" means a surcharge to be included in each vendor contract on tickets, parking, souvenirs, concessions, programs, advertising, merchandise, corporate suites or boxes, broadcast revenues and all other products or services sold at or related to a university athletic facility or related to activities occurring at a university athletic facility;
C. "board" means the board of regents of a university;
D. "bonds" means athletic facility revenue bonds issued by a university to pay for some or all of the costs of designing, purchasing, constructing, remodeling, rehabilitating, renovating, improving, equipping and furnishing a university athletic facility;
E. "president" means the president of a university or a person designated by the president of a university;
F. "university" means a four-year post-secondary educational institution confirmed by Article 12, Section 11 of the constitution of New Mexico and the main campus of which is located in a class A county;
G. "university athletic facility" means an indoor or outdoor athletic facility, including buildings and related improvements, primarily designed and intended for university sporting events, but also available for non-university sporting events and university and community cultural, educational and entertainment events;
H. "vendor" means every person, corporation, partnership or other entity, including a division or department of a university, providing products or services sold at or related to a university athletic facility; and
I. "vendor contract" means a written arrangement between a university and a vendor pursuant to which the vendor provides products or services sold at or related to the university athletic facility.