21-8-3. [Curriculum; management vested in board of regents; number and qualifications; corporate style and powers; quorum.]
The course of instruction of the college [New Mexico state university] hereby created shall embrace the English language, literature, mathematics, philosophy, civil engineering, chemistry and animal and vegetable anatomy and physiology, the veterinary art, entomology, geology, and political, rural and household economy, horticulture, moral philosophy, history, mechanics and such other sciences and courses of instruction as shall be prescribed by the regents of this institution of learning. The management of said college [university] and experiment station, the care and preservation of all property, of which such institution shall become possessed, the erection and construction of all buildings necessary for the use of said college [university] and station, and the disbursement and expenditure of all moneys provided for by this act, shall be vested in a board of five regents. Said five regents shall possess the same qualifications, as required for the regents of the university of New Mexico. Said regents and their successors in office shall constitute a body corporate, with the name and style of the the [sic] regents of the New Mexico college of agriculture and mechanic arts [New Mexico state university], with the right as such of suing and being sued, of contracting and being contracted with, of making and using a common seal, and altering the same at pleasure, of causing all things to be done necessary to carry out the provisions of law. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a less number may adjourn from time to time.