21-8-43. Alliance for underrepresented students created; purpose.
A. "The alliance for underrepresented students" is created at New Mexico state university.
B. Participating organizations in the alliance shall be the New Mexico alliance for minority participation and the regional alliance for science, engineering and mathematics for students with disabilities. The purposes of the alliance are to:
(1) promote science, technology, engineering and mathematics education and retention at the undergraduate and graduate level for underrepresented students;
(2) engage in research on and development of programs that support student retention and achievement;
(3) disseminate knowledge acquired through education and retention programs; and
(4) collaborate with and provide assistance to kindergarten through twelfth grade educators and post-secondary educational institutions to support science, technology, engineering and mathematics education and student achievement.
C. The alliance shall submit an annual report to the board of regents of New Mexico state university and the legislature detailing the activities and accomplishments of the alliance. The reports of the alliance may be printed and distributed by the university as appropriate, and revenue from the sale of the reports shall be paid into the account of the New Mexico state university.
D. The alliance may receive appropriations from the legislature through the board of regents and may receive gifts, grants and donations from public or private sources.