22-11-13. Board authority to invest the fund; prudent investor standard; indemnification of board.
A. The board is authorized to invest or reinvest the fund in accordance with the Uniform Prudent Investor Act [45-7-601 NMSA 1978].
B. The board shall provide quarterly performance reports to the legislative finance committee and the department of finance and administration. Annually, the board shall ratify and provide its written investment policy, including any amendments, to the legislative finance committee and the department of finance and administration.
C. The board or its designated agent may enter into contracts for the temporary exchange of securities for the use by broker-dealers, banks or other recognized institutional investors, for periods not to exceed one year, for a specified fee or consideration. Such a contract shall not be entered into unless the contract is fully secured by a collateralized, irrevocable letter of credit running to the board, cash or equivalent collateral of at least one hundred two percent of the market value of the securities plus accrued interest temporarily exchanged. This collateral shall be delivered to the state fiscal agent or its designee contemporaneously with the transfer of funds or delivery of the securities. Such contract may authorize the board to invest cash collateral in instruments or securities that are authorized fund investments and may authorize payment of a fee from the fund or from income generated by the investment of cash collateral to the borrower of securities providing cash as collateral. The board may apportion income derived from the investment of cash collateral to pay its agent in securities lending transactions.
D. Commissions paid for the purchase or sale of any securities pursuant to the provisions of the Educational Retirement Act [22-11-1 NMSA 1978] shall not exceed brokerage rates prescribed and approved by national stock exchanges or by industry practice.
E. Securities purchased for the fund shall be held in the custody of the state treasurer. At the direction of the board, the state treasurer shall deposit with a bank or trust company the securities for safekeeping or servicing.
F. The board may consult with the state investment council or the state investment officer; may request from the state investment council or the state investment officer any information, advice or recommendations with respect to investment of the fund; may utilize the services of the state investment council or the state investment officer; and may act upon any advice or recommendations of the state investment council or the state investment officer. The state investment council or the state investment officer shall render investment advisory services to the board upon request and without expense to the board. The board may also employ the investment management services and related management services of a trust company or national bank exercising trust powers or of an investment counseling firm or brokers for the purchase and sale of securities, commission recapture and transitioning services and may pay reasonable compensation for those services from funds administered by the board.
G. The board shall annually provide for its members no less than eight hours of training in pension fund investing, fiduciary obligations or ethics. A member elected or appointed to the board who fails to attend the training for two consecutive years shall be deemed to have resigned from the board.
H. Members of the board, jointly and individually, shall be indemnified from the fund by the state from all claims, demands, suits, actions, damages, judgments, costs, charges and expenses, including court costs and attorney fees, and against all liability, losses and damages of any nature whatsoever that members shall or may at any time sustain by reason of any decision made in the performance of their duties pursuant to this section.