22-11-3. Educational retirement board; members; terms; vacancies.
A. The "educational retirement board" is created.
B. The board shall be composed of seven members, consisting of the following:
(1) the superintendent of public instruction [secretary of public education];
(2) the state treasurer;
(3) one member to be elected for a term of four years by members of the New Mexico association of educational retirees;
(4) one member to be elected for a term of four years by the members of the New Mexico education association;
(5) one member to be elected for a term of four years by the New Mexico members of the American association of university professors; and
(6) two members to be appointed by the governor for terms of four years each.
C. In the initial composition of the board, the member elected by the members of the American association of university professors shall serve for a term of three years; one member appointed by the governor shall serve for a term of two years, and the other member appointed by the governor shall serve for a term of one year.
D. Vacancies occurring in the term of office of those members appointed by the governor or elected by an association shall be filled either by the governor appointing or the association electing a new member to fill the unexpired term.