22-11-49. Alternative retirement plan; contributions.
A. Each participant shall contribute an amount equal to the percent of the participant's salary that the participant would have been required to contribute as a regular member. The contribution shall be made in the manner provided for by the board.
B. Each qualifying state educational institution shall contribute on behalf of each participant an amount of the participant's salary equal to the contribution that would have been required of the employer if the participant was, instead, a regular member. Of the contribution made by a qualifying state educational institution on behalf of a participant beginning October 1, 1991, or October 1, 1999, whichever is applicable, a sum equal to three percent of the annual salary of each participant shall be contributed to the fund, and the remainder of the contribution shall be paid to the alternative retirement plan as provided by the board; provided, however, that on July 1 following any report by the actuary to the board that concludes that less than three percent of the contributions made by a qualifying state educational institution on behalf of its participants is required to satisfy the unfunded actuarial liability attributable to the participation of the participants in the alternative retirement plan, the three percent shall be reduced to the percentage determined by the actuary.
C. Contributions required by the provisions of this section may be made by a reduction in salary or by a public employer pick-up pursuant to any applicable provision of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.