22-15C-7. Sale or loss or return of school library material.
A. With the approval of the bureau, school library material acquired by a school district, a state institution or a governmentally controlled school pursuant to the School Library Material Act may be sold at a price determined by officials of the school district, state institution or governmentally controlled school. The selling price shall not exceed the cost of school library material to the state.
B. A school district, a state institution or a governmentally controlled school may hold a parent, guardian or student responsible for loss, damage or destruction of school library material while the school library material is in the possession of a student. A school district or a governmentally controlled school may withhold the grades, diploma and transcripts of a student responsible for damage or loss of school library material until the parent, guardian or student has paid for the damage or loss. When a parent, guardian or student is unable to pay for the damage or loss, the school district shall work with the parent, guardian or student to develop an alternative program in lieu of payment. Where a parent or guardian is determined to be indigent according to guidelines established by the department, the school district shall bear the cost.
C. A school district, a state institution or a governmentally controlled school that has funds remaining for the purchase of school library material at the end of a fiscal year shall retain the funds for expenditure in subsequent years.