22-23B-4. Hispanic education liaison; created; duties.
A. The "Hispanic education liaison" is created in the department.
B. The liaison shall:
(1) focus on issues related to Hispanic education and advise the secretary on the development and implementation of policy regarding the education of Hispanic students;
(2) advise the department and the commission on the development and implementation of the five-year strategic plan for public elementary and secondary education in the state as the plan relates to Hispanic student education;
(3) assist and be assisted by other staff in the department to improve elementary, secondary and post-secondary educational outcomes for Hispanic students;
(4) serve as a resource to enable school districts and charter schools to provide equitable and culturally relevant learning environments, educational opportunities and culturally relevant instructional materials for Hispanic students enrolled in public schools;
(5) support and consult with the Hispanic education advisory council; and
(6) support school districts and charter schools to recruit parents on site-based and school district committees that represent the ethnic diversity of the community.